
Monday, June 9, 2014

Having to take a Break

Hallo my Bloggy Friends!

You have probably been wondering where I have disappeared to.
Well as it goes sometimes, live throws you a curve
and than you have to deal with what comes.
First my work load has doubled for the time being.
Second I have to deal with a few health issues of my own,
which will require me to visit the doctor's offices more often.
Plus all the things that happen on a daily basis in all of our lives.
So for the next few month, my time to be here in Blog land
has been cut down and my crafty time as well.
For a while I will have to cancel my regular features,
but I promise as soon as I can it will be returning.

I have not totally quit working on some woolly things.
Below you will see that I am working on another shawl.
The pattern came from Zooty Owls Blog.
All there is left to finish is the strings and some embellishments.
Loved the way this one is working up.
If you have a chance, give it a try.

For today I bit you adiou
and will see you when I get a chance.
"Happy Hooking" everybody!


  1. Hi Erika, first thanks for all the blog parties that you hosted, I enjoyed them a lot. Second our health is so important and I do hope all goes well with all your doctor's visits. Take care.

  2. Life has a way of taking priority. I hope things with your health get better. Take care of yourself.

  3. You just take care of yourself! We will all be here when you can pop back in.

  4. Alles Gute, liebe Erika! Solche Zeiten sind nie schön, ich drück die Däumchen daß sie ganz bald wieder rum sind. Schau gut auf Dich und laß Dir nicht zu viel Arbeit aufladen, die Gesundheit geht immer vor. Ich freu mich drauf, wenn Du wieder da bist, und wünsch Dir von Herzen gute Besserung! Knuddelgruß, Nata

  5. Looking forward to hearing from you as soon as you are better and coping! Life has a habit of throwing curve balls now and again .... just rest up, as Robbie says, we will all be here to welcome you back
    xxx Pat

  6. Hallo liebe Erika! Vielen Dank für Deine netten Kommentare, freu mich sehr! Leider finde ich Deine Mailaddy nicht und die Kommentare haben nur "noreply-comment", daher schreibe ich Dir einfach hier. Es freut mich echt, von Dir zu hören, und ich hoffe, es geht Dir gut bzw. es geht weiter bergauf :-). Bei mir ist alles im grünen Bereich, wir warten sehnlichst auf den Frühling! LG & einen dicken Knuddler schickt Dir Nata

  7. Hi Erika, I've just found you recently from Pinterest; you have a beautiful pad/cloth crocheted from back in Feb of '13 that I wanted to make. I'm sorry your workload has increased as well as health issues. I pray all goes well for you. You have so many fun and pretty ideas here on your blog; I'll be reading for days! All the best~Mary from San Diego


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